I had bad experiences using a Mac at my first newspaper job, and naturally, I lasted about 3 months doing general assignment work for a weekly newspaper, but with the number of problems I've had with various computers of late, and of course, hearing how other people like and have fewer problems using their Apple-generated products, I'm tempted to make a switch, at least in part, but I need to actually spend time around Apple stuff (there's a store about 50 miles away). I don't know anyone close by who has so much as an iPod. The photo iPod is something I really like a lot, actually, and Apple's made new upgrades to it.
By the way, over the years, I've accumulated five different computers (2 laptops, 2 computers from work and my home PC), and none of them function in the way I'd like. The laptops don't function at all (one of the laptops is six/seven years old, while the other I've only had since the middle of last year), while the other three need some upgrades and fine tuning. The new laptop has a warranty, but I'm reluctant to ship that off. The old laptop is salvagable from what I can tell, so I'm going to try and do something with that, and find out how much doing all this will cost me.
Of course, I have to remember not to take the term laptop literally, especially if I ever do get married and want to have kids. I just hope the damage isn't done, since I've been guilty plenty of times of using the laptop, well, as a laptop.